Corporate Formation

Our service of Creation of Corporations is designed to facilitate the process of establishing your business legally and effectively. Includes:

The name of the Corporation/LLC

The choice of Name: We select a unique name and memorable than meets the legal requirements of your state or country, reflects the nature of your business and is easy to spell and pronounce.
Availability search: We will check availability of the name in the register of companies in your state or country to make sure that is not registered by another entity.

The Employer Identification number (EIN)

Purpose: The EIN is essential for tax purposes, opening a bank account business, hire employees, and file taxes.
Application: We manage the application of the EIN through the IRS web site (Internal Revenue Service) in the US, quickly and free of charge.

Code of the System of Classification of the North American Industry (NAICS)

Purpose: The NAICS code classifies the industry of your business, for statistical purposes and facilitates the analysis of economic data.
To find your Code: We identify the NAICS code suitable for your business using the tools of search of the U.S. Census Bureau

Numbering system Universal Data

Purpose: The DUNS number is a unique identifier for businesses, crucial to establish credit, and government contract.
Application: We ask for your DUNS number through the web site of Dun & Bradstreet, a process free of charge required for certain contracts and federal grants.

Operating Agreement/Bylaws

Operating agreement (for LLCs): We drafted an operating agreement that outlines the ownership structure, roles of members and operational procedures, preventing internal disputes.
Bylaws (for Corporations): We drafted the internal rules that establish the rules of management, including protocols of meetings, voting procedures and duties of officers and directors.

Business Address

Physical address or Virtual: Determine if you will use a physical address or virtual for registrations and licenses.
Address of the Registered Agent: Appoint a registered agent with a physical address in the state of incorporation if it is necessary.

Business Phone number

Purpose: We establish a business phone number for communications professionals, considering services virtual phone if you don't have a physical office.
Configuration: We manage the procurement of a phone number through providers such as Google Voice, RingCentral or Grasshopper.

Corporate Email

Professional Email: We set up a corporate email address using your domain name to ensure professionalism.
Providers: We use services such as Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 for the accommodation of the e-mail.


Design: We create a professional logo that represents your brand identity, working with graphic designers or using online tools.
Trademark: We protect your logo by enrolling in the Patent and Trademark Office of your country.


Development: We design and develop a commercial website to establish your online presence, including services, contact information and a section of blog or news.
Hosting and Domain: Register a domain name and choosing a hosting provider, reliable, using platforms like WordPress, Wix or Squarespace.

Resale certificate (Resale Tax)

Purpose: We obtain a resale certificate that allows your business to buy goods for resale without paying sales tax.
Application: Ask for a resale certificate through the Department of the Treasury or equivalent agency in your state or country.

Information of beneficial Ownership (BOI)

Purpose: We report the persons with significant control on the business to comply with the laws and regulations against money laundering.
Presentation: We make presentations BOI according to the requirements of the Enforcement Network Financial Crimes (FinCEN) or the equivalent agency in your state or country.

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